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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast Post
forum topicAvoiding ambiguous "configuration" concept easyproglife25 weeks 8 hours
forum topicIvy 1.4.1 is out xavier25 weeks 5 days
book page1.4.1 - 2006-11-09 xavier05 weeks 6 days
forum topicXML versioning using namespace easyproglife56 weeks 8 hours
forum topicNewbie: where is ${ivy.default.conf.dir}? emilSverige06 weeks 12 hours
forum topicIncorrect value of ''rev' attribute of the 'caller' tag in the generated xml file tnxgrgk16 weeks 13 hours
forum topicEnd of this forum xavier46 weeks 14 hours
forum topicRequest for Ivy help with ant 1.6.5 on FC5 - Could not create task or type of type: antlib:fr.jayasoft.ivy.ant:configure. ivy-jayasoft26 weeks 5 days
forum topicHelp needed with sample ivy-revision.xml and ivyconf.xml files sleon16 weeks 5 days
forum topicUsing ivy to handle JBoss Application Server (AS) 4.0.3 sleon16 weeks 5 days
forum topicSimple Example For Hibernate 3.2 javajeff36 weeks 6 days
forum topicTake pity on a release engineer / ivy newbie. sleon27 weeks 5 hours
forum topicpublish artifacts from different places beege37 weeks 8 hours
forum topicAnt project properties should be set by configure and not by default in jar garu87 weeks 1 day
forum topicFtp vfs resolver for publishing garu27 weeks 1 day
forum topicAccess denied?!?!?!!?? easyproglife57 weeks 1 day
forum topicHow to extend? easyproglife97 weeks 2 days
forum topicAutomatically dealing with branches, is it possible? immanuel17 weeks 3 days
forum topicProblem with latest.milestone ? LaurentVaucher97 weeks 5 days
pageTestimonials admin27 weeks 5 days
forum topicJira is down :-( easyproglife87 weeks 6 days
forum topicProblem with changing artifacts maartenc57 weeks 6 days
forum topicIvy is locking classpath libraries maartenc07 weeks 6 days
forum topicJRE dependence. arothwel87 weeks 6 days
forum topicWorkspace (globally) enforced revisions takeshi88 weeks 6 hours