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This site is only a backup of, for history purpose only

This site is a static copy of the original site, kept here for migration and history reason.

The migration to this static site occured earlier than expected, but we experienced too much troubles with our dynamic hosting solutions recently, so we decided to provide a more reliable solution. Please excuse the troubles due to this migration, and don't be afraid, the most important, the projects, are still available and will soon be hosted in other locations

The purpose of site was to host mainly open source projects, which will soon be hosted on separate sites, thus this site will no longer be useful except for historical reasons.

Ivy is now hosted at Apache incubator: You will still find the documentation only here, but this should soon change.

IvyDE should soon be hosted as a submodule of Ivy at Apache incubator too

IvyCruise will be part of ivytools

SWTBinding will be hosted on Sourceforge

JExplose will become open source and part of JDNC incubator

Thanks a lot to all the support we had during the amazing experience of developing components and tools in our own community, thanks to you our projects can now live on their own!