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Jayasoft participates to the open source development effort by providing a range of products developed in our labs as open source components.

For sure you can also find here our famous commercial component: JExplose.

Commercial Products


Enhance your end-user Swing desktop experience with the great JExplose effect, inspired by the MacOS X ExposeTM effect !
JExplose is free for non-commercial use, and really cheap for others... so do not wait any more and bring the power of JExplose to your Java MDI applications !

Open Source Tools and Components

Ivy Ivy is a free java based dependency manager, with powerful features such as transitive dependencies, ant integration, maven repository compatibility, continuous integration and many more.

We also provide free tools which help leverages the power of Ivy: IvyDE and Ivy Cruise.

UIState is an open source non-intrusive user interface state manager for java Swing rich client applications.

UIState allow application to restore their GUI state during application use and between multiple application session.


SWTBinding SWTBinding is an open source extension of the JGoodies Data Binding framework. It brings SWT/jface support to it.